In which Men are from Mars…

November 26, 2007 at 7:56 pm (Rants) (, , )

After a break for the holiday (mmm, turkey) let’s jump right back in, as Seth delves into the touchy subject of male/female relations.

A study in Germany shows that when given 5-7 minutes to meet with a member of the opposite sex (this study only affects heterosexuals), and then asked who they would like to meet with again, men choose, almost invariably, the more attractive females as oposed to the personality / socioeconomic traits they’d written down prior to meeting with the women.

To that, I say, “a-doy.”

Interesting twist: While men tended to be very easy to please above a certain “attractiveness threshold” (actual scientific term used in the article), women were MUCH more discriminating, but also followed the exact same tendencies of men in terms of attractiveness. However, when women picked their follow up dates, they almost always picked men that were within their own personal attractiveness range (another scientific term).

This means that women have a very good idea of what attractiveness is to a man, and use it to make sure they get the most attractive male their looks can get.

So basically, female attractiveness is the primary determining factor in all mate searching. Men pick all hot women, and women pick men as hot as they are.

Of course, this was a study done on, like, 50 people, so I’m not exactly buying it as fact but more as a “taxpayer money at work” example. But whenever there is research dispelling the supposed gender gap regarding why males and females look for mates, I chuckle.

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